Monday, June 28, 2010

Big Brother is watching you !!!

Experience has shown that people work more efficiently when they feel they are being watched. Something I learned about couple months ago, when driving from Tehran to Yazd on the freeway was that there were multiple fake police cars (made out of wood) at different parts of the road where made people slow down, thinking they were speed traps. The funny thing is that cops in Iran could be replaced with wooden cars and still have the same influence.

Knowing how there have been multiple incidents of theft, arson and most importantly lousy workers performances in the past due to the lack of proper supervision and security, I decided to put a system in place which would be "supervising" production and the property. In order to make crew feel that they are being watched, I had to watch them even when I am not there. That task luckily can be handled by using surveillance cameras.
The cameras are to be installed through out the key points of the production line and also important areas of the plant, such as parts warehouse and storage tanks. The main purpose is to protect the system and increase the effect of unsupervised supervising.

The systems required 15 indoor IP cameras, 3 outdoor IP cameras and also one high speed dome IP camera which watches the entire property.
All come to a single point server that records simultaneously all 19 cameras 24/7.

This will also enable me to watch everything going on at the plant in my office. There are microphones on every camera which will even let me hear the environment without being there.

Yes....... big brother is watching and this time, I am "The Big Brother"!!!

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